Monday, August 2, 2010


We often desire for the right companion but it is more important to be the right companion. The beauty of life is not in getting the perfect person but loving the imperfect person, PERFECTLY!! Love is love, only when, what you do & what you do not do, does not alter the love for someone. That is what an Unconditional love is! If love is not unconditional, then it is not love at all...

What are relationships for if you cannot tell a person that they are wrong. There cannot be a depth in a relationship if there is a need to please a person on everything every time. Open relationship gives you a chance to clarify & get clarified. Discussing day to day trifles will only make one fall in love.

Discuss the future & grow in Love. Talk future, talk dreams, talk ambitions & resolve to play a part in each-other's growth in very objective & non-intrusive manner. Accept what you are. Forgive & let go of your hurt. Move on. You have nothing to prove to anyone in a relationship.

If I have done enough for a relationship, I can take enough from a relationship. After all some accounts are always over-deposited. The yellow on the red background looks majestic & a few strokes of green & blue makes it even richer. Metaphorically, the differences in a relationship can be the reason for its depth...

Every time me. Never you

Sometime me. Sometime you

Never me. Every time you!

Thats the secret of perfect relationship!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Memories of love never pass. They linger, guide & influence long after source of stimulation has faded. Every person who has been moved by a true love knows that it leaves enduring traces upon the human heart. The effect of love endures because love is spiritual in nature.

Go back into your yesterday & bathe into the memories of the past love. It will soften the influences of present worries & annoyance. It will give you the source of escape from the unpleasant realities of life. This might lead your mind to yield the world of fantasies, ideas or plans which may chance the entire status of life.

In the words of St. Augustine, “Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when the entire pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.”

If you believe yourself unfortunate because you have loved & lost, perish the thought. One who loved truly, can never lose entirely. Love is whimsical & temperamental in nature. Starvation for love never ceases by receiving love. It ceases only by giving love. Love all & love all the time…

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yes! We do feel betrayed or unrecognized at SCMLD... We have experienced many neural impulses which have been as powerful and painful as a physical blow... We have learnt to rationalize or temper our reactions, but somewhere we have limited down, our commitment and engagement too... We have become purely transactional beings, reluctant to give more than our capacities, because the SCMLD grudges stands in our way... In the advent of being LEADERS who are more dynamic, talented, supportive, and collaborative & change creators, we have become educated pygmies...

The mind at times freezes to think if this is what we wanted from life... Nevertheless, we get not what we desire but what we deserve...Hence we have no choice but to settle for pauper & stay happy at SCMLD!!! I have seen & felt surprised at the rate of group formation, friends formations & of course the Lover-boys & girls!!! In the bargain, there have been so many friendships broken, so many love-stories frozen & a list of many WEIRD couples discovered!!!

Let’s see where we take our lives, few years down the line... Apparently some of us will become the prospective CEOs & Directors of our dream companies... Some would be struggling to make a mark in the industry & some would be a free bird Entrepreneurs either sunk or blossomed completely... I am happy to take my life to the direction I wanted to & hope that all of YOU are also taking control of it... Whatever the journey of SCMLD has been, its memories would be truly cherished & the most treasured one!!! The friends we have made would be tuned for years to come… I will definitely miss a lot of u …

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I wonder why lately I am loosing the emotional balance at the drop of the hat. Is it that I have over-valued people & under-valued my own self or is it the infinite expectations I hold from each of them? I am hurting those whom I treasure the most at no fault of theirs. I wish to right all the wrongs!!

I recognize I am seeking too much perfection from people which has become the cause of my misery. It is incapacitating my performance & my peace of mind. I wish to address all the inner questions which are still unanswered. I am alienating myself from this flashy, selfish & capricious world.

I desire to change my attitude from ‘what is in for me to what in me is for it?’ I need to discover something meanwhile, something from the deepest fold of my being, something that will be a revelation to me. I believe that as long as I am determined, life will be fair to me. After all, it has never failed me!!

I will let go & let God in to reconnect with my own self. God is with me & not against me. Why do I have doubt in my faith & faith in my doubt? I am anticipating a new dawn which will take away all the baggage & return me my real self!!

Soon I will let things go like a bungee jumper who goes to the edge of the cliff & spreads his arms to dive into the valley, to breathe the fresh air, to experience life & death simultaneously! Everything I desire & deserve will soon come to me because I HAVE FAITH IN MY FAITH!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


The tantrums, the tears, the dilemma & so many unanswered questions!! I wish to add a little Zen to my life through exploring myself... As a child, I dreamt of being a doctor which later changed to becoming an engineer & finally ended as an MBA!!! The good old days when, I used to use my superhero or fairy power to feel safe, focused and happy…

For a long time now, I have wondered what am I supposed to do with my life. I have a degree of passion but have no idea where to start from??? Many a times I have just sit alone in my own mind waiting to get response from within… But what is this wait for?? Well, I have no idea!! The only thing that springs to mind is that I am waiting for some answers. Answers to what?? Well that depends wholly on the questions...

Often I find myself thinking about the future. I dream of having getting married to a wonderful gentleman and starting my own family. I dream of doing great things and being remembered for who I was in life amongst other things!! Although I have these goals, I find that I am not moving forward with the pace I desire to. It is like I am mired by the quicksand of my own indecision…

I yearn to be calmer and nicer to everyone… So what is holding me back? Is it some sort of external force that cannot be resisted? No. That is not the case... The dilemma is the smear picture of the oodles of things I wish to do with my life!! All this time I have been looking outside for answers while I should have directed my gaze inward.

My entire quandary apparently would reconcile by knowing the person that I see when I look into the mirror. At the moment I start my journey to become a better person and I look forward to getting to know who I really am?? My deepest dread is not that I am scarce; my deepest dread is that I am potent beyond limits!! It is my light, not my darkness that frightens me the most!!!